
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN

There are some people who don't have the guts for distance running. The polite term for them are sprinters.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Oh where has the internet gone?

So everyday when i come one of the first things i do is check my email. Mostly empty most of the time. Sometimes when i write a story i'll put it on a website and get reviews from people that make me bubbly with joy. But most of the time there's nothing.
Once every so often i'll sign in on msn messenger and recieve messages that are weeks old.
But everyday i read. Once email is done i type in the magic letters that bring me to two magic websites with magic books.
Unfortunately they only update once a month.
Now i do not surf youtube or google for interesting things. I don't go on game websites to play online. I'm am not explorative to amazon or ebay. I just simply read.
and it works. most of the time.
Why in the whole world wide web can i not find entertainment?

So boredom sets in.
which means i should run. but i never do because i make up an excuse for myself that i never follow through with. like for example, homework.
My creative writing teacher believes this is an honors class and can write amazing things in ten minutes, come up with 26 alliterations and an illustrated picture of them, and read.
Now a multitasker master i may be but this pushes things. a bit.

Which means i should run. but not today. because today i have to: practice cello, catch up in math, email that teacher about that assignment she lost last week, illustrate a book, research building and make observations and then draw one, answer frantic text messages from my depressing friend, and finish the book that my sister wants to read, and maybe go to hot topic to listen to the amazing music of kerli.

too bad track starts monday.

oh crap.

1 comment:

Meemer said...

track starts on monday? yikes, it starts early! you'll be fine, you have so much on your plate. one day at a time!