
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN

There are some people who don't have the guts for distance running. The polite term for them are sprinters.

Monday, December 10, 2007

RANDOM! and my complaints of the week/day.

cellos are dangerous. i was getting ready this morning and lifting my cello up. i tripped and the stand/poker/thingy stabbed my leg. i now have a little hole in my knee where it went through my jeans. i was tempted to let the blood dry and, when i dressed for gym, freak my friend out. but i didn't.

in gym i ran about six and a half minutes which really isn't much, but i still feel proud, considering I'm not a distance runner. i prefer sprinting. then we split into teams for volleyball, always fun (not) and i happened to have the worst luck, i knew already i had the stuck up sport jock Jackson on my team (who thinks no one can hold a ball let alone throw it besides himself. and claims we're all incompetent, blundering, idiots.) i happened to get the loudest, most obnoxious person in my gym class, number one idiot, Ariel. i misjudged a ball and they screamed at me, which made me really angry.

why oh why am i sick? i thought i was through with the seasonal flu but it seems to have come back to hit me full force, i just hope i didn't get my cousins harry and chilly and fussy sick or their parents. i got through school just barely and i walk out to snow. wonderful. it's not like it hasn't been snowing for two days already. stupid cold wet stuff. sure it looks beautiful...when you're inside looking out a window with the heater blasting full force wrapped in a couple hundred blankets. boudy, (bow-dee, is the way it's pronounced.)the viola next to me in orchestra, claims I'm cold blooded because i always say I'm cold and i put my freezing fingers on his neck daily to surprise him, Thomas agrees with him.

here's a couple funnies that i hope will make your day brighten.
As I've Matured...
I've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.
I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working one of your kids did it.
These i got off a couple websites:
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
What are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere?'Hold my purse.'
"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
How Many Roads Must A Man Walk Down Before He Admits Hes lost?
If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button.
Is it good if a vacuum really sucks?
If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

1 comment:

Meemer said...

random! i love it