
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN

There are some people who don't have the guts for distance running. The polite term for them are sprinters.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

battle scars

being a girl you always want to be pretty and perfect, to smell nice and to look nice. I'm not one of those girls. If I'm not sweaty at one point in the day it's been...well a boring one. And so in order to sweat practically everyday i joined a comp soccer team. I also now have an AYSO soccer team, did i mention with guys?
being a guy, you want to have the biggest bruise, the loudest statement, etc. they also happen to be quite violent when chasing after a ball. So it's expected to get a few bruises for either side.

both my knees have a color full addition to the tan. i also have done something to my right big toe, but if i don't get on the ground or get a bruise i haven't been playing hard enough.

1 comment:

Britt said...

Ouch! You go girl!