
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN

There are some people who don't have the guts for distance running. The polite term for them are sprinters.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

the tournament

well my team had it's first two games this last week. we were pretty much creamed but that's okay. it was a lot of fun being out on the field with new meat..er team members. we only scored two goals total which were in the last game. we lost both games and had lots of yelling and shaking heads of the couches...er coaches and much yelling of the soccer moms. we got hit, tripped and whacked a few times.we fell a lot and tried not to smack our friends who don't tell us their gonna leave the ball twenty feet (okay maybe four) in front of us and leave while someones running towards you. I was nervous and scared of what my team would do if i screwed up but it was all alright. This new soccer is really intense. I'll let everyone know when the next games are!

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