
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN

There are some people who don't have the guts for distance running. The polite term for them are sprinters.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


well against all odds SWAT, my soccer team, won our first game. the really amazing thing about it was the fact that we had no subs. our coach wasn't there nor were our best players. it was the newbies, like me an Callie, and the know it alls. i was surprised when our forwards finally got their butts in gear and started scoring.
but i would like to mention one of the girls on the other team. her name, i believe, was Dakota. she barely reached my waist in height. to me it looked like someone stamped a fragile handle with care stickers on her forehead. i must admit it was really hard to shove against someone so small, but really she's the same age as the rest of us. she had a good kick too. i found it annoying when her coach was talking to her like a three year old, but oh well i just found it funny how no one would shove her around a little.
indoor soccer is a great way to vent frustration and get out all that bottled up anger from school and the week. i have a couple friends that i can't wait to play against and am really happy, and surprised, that we've one our first game. even if all the other teams have beaten them too. i just hope it'll raise the forwards' moral and get them to start scoring.


Meemer said...

woot! great job!

big d said...

way to go! i think it will only get better as you get used to the indoor thing. just keep having fun!