it's been a while!
So we just got back from the county fair! woot free food! I've found that the photography contests looks really tempting and i'm liking my moms idea of a camera for Christmas.
The all important monument in teen life...
High School.
I'm kinda freaked out. We've got orientation tomorrow early in the morning. I know i have nothing to worry about except the tons of homework the large campus and the confusing "small schools" that make no sense whatsoever. I am VERY excited about the orchestra program with the amazing teacher and more than two cellos. I'm nervous because my best friend is going to clearfield instead (i wish i was too, it has WAY more opportunities) and that there are people at syracuse that i don't get along with. The lockers are also a complete rip-off. But i'm also excited. I'm just a worry wart.
now for man drama.
You remember when you kinda wanted a boyfriend and thought up "the perfect guy" and hardly anybody would fit in that little square. I'm comfortable with guys; mostly wanting to become good friends before going into a romantic relationship. Yeah i've dated before but the guys were people i didn't like in that way. Well i mostly get the nerds and i'm happy that at least someone finds me attractive. until that guy turns out kinda stalkerish. He was in my seventh period (the one with all guys) and was mostly the wimp of the class so i stood up for him. i said hi and made a nice conversation. He was one of the tops students and i grouped with him a lot cause he wasn't one of the idiots and i could handle his personality. I realized that he started to get friendlier and friendlier and just pushed it out of my mind. It started irritating me that he would guard my books cause Chris would steal them and my friend Jim liked to look at what i was reading. He'd walk me to my locker and any classes i needed to go to after seventh. He just kept irritating me more and more. I didn't need any protecting and i especially didn't need it from him when i was defending him more than he could himself. He got me a nice valentines gift after valentines day cause i was sick the actual day. He finally asked me out before school ended and i said that i couldn't not until i was sixteen. I thought he took it fine but apparently not. I hung out with a few friends on tuesday, doing some sports and stuff. We went back to my house and hung out. well the other friend left and Jim and i talked outside for a bit. He thought that i was going out with Derek (the stalkerish dude). guess why. Apparently when he talked to Derek on his Xbox live he said that we were going out. This was the last straw. not only had he said this behind my back to Jim but to most of the people in seventh period. He also decided that he was going to follow me at lagoon on the Coke's lagoon day. After a whole blissful summer without a puppy dog following at my heels i was not happy to get it back. So after i got this bit of info from Jim and an email from Derek i decided i was going to tell him off. He'll probably still come to lagoon but i was really pissed that he was saying we were going out. I only thought of him as a friend, an annoying friend but just someone i knew. I never agreed to date him and i never will not after what he's been saying. i just hope lagoon day will go smoothly and i won't start yelling at him.
ahg why do i feel so guilty! i finally told him what i thought and he makes it sound so bad! He planned his whole weekend around it! I don't know if he's still coming and jim says if i let him come then i'm just reversing everything i just did. Dang it mom and dad why'd you give me such a huge guilt bone?? i feel so bad about it!