key word there is my; meaning i took them so don't expect much! i aint no photographer for sure!
this is at alcatraz (above)
view from alcatraz (above)
creepy pic of the jail bars at alcatraz (above)
the boat is leaving us!! jk these are the gardens down the side of alcatraz along with the mill thingy. at alcatraz (above)
it's coming! or we're going, this is alcatraz from the boat. ignore the man in the corner (above)
a juggler at the pier bouncing a ball on his knee. he was really funny. (above)
once again my photo genius! uhh this is dad realizing the sidewalk ran away. (above)
and he's down for the count! (above) this is at the antique arcade place that my mom insisted to go to. the below is for alison and for my friends i couldn't resist. (below) *see what the belly dancer does on ho day off*
yes he is shirtless and no he is not falling over, he is spinning on his bike. it was a competition between the skateboarders *boring* and the bmx peoplez. so sue me he was cute! (above)
surprise! your on camera, teehee. this is alison and her parents squinting at the menu at the yummy mexi resturant we went to. (above)
this is just to mess with your senses! not really i'm just to lazy to sit here and figure out how to turn it around (above and below). (above) one of the buildings in china town. (below) a church just out of china town... we were waiting for our trolly/bus/cable car.
one of the only pictures of the cable car museum that turned out well. these are the cables that run the cars. there's little signs that tell you what streets they run under but they didn't show up.(above)
now for the festival!
peoplez of my culture all jumbled together in the costume part of the parade. (both above)
i was being run over and pounded on by the mallets for the drums. i wanted a picture to place on my tombstone. (above)
the cute kiddies that were placed under torture and public humiliation to march in the parade. must've been one of the many day cares or elementary. (above)
the yummy shaved ice that saved our lives. (above) it was probably from one of the many stalls (below)
at this point i just lied down and died. the fans were pretty though! (above)
and that was our trip from my two disposable camera's. i ran out of film really quick but i was happy i had the chance to mark my own memories. thanks mom! this trip was really fun but there's always more to see and i really hope we can visit again soon. besides we have an awesome person who i want to see again *cough* alison *cough*. teehee hope you enjoyed my lovely pictures i'm open anytime. i will have business cards soon! teehee just kidding i suck at pictures. i'm rambling by the way so you can totally stop reading now. unless you actually enjoy listening to me which is really strange and means you either need a life or a vacation. whichever comes first. anyway feel free to comment! gah! spell check isn't working! grr. i will eat it later. for now you have to deal with my extremely bad spelling. this is what happens when you use big words like ectoplasmic goo.